
Volunteer Engagement Board


The purpose of the Volunteer Engagement Board is:


(b) to ensure there are sufficient volunteers, with appropriate skills 和 experience, empowered 和 supported to meet the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s needs in fulfilling its objects;

(c)  to provide assurance to the Board of Trustees concerning the effective delivery of strategic programmes as delegated by the Board of Trustees; 和




Strategic advice 和 support

(a) oversee the creation of capability to deliver the volunteering vision;

(b) recommend changes to the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s volunteer engagement strategic direction;

(c) support the development 和 enhancement of the volunteering vision.

Supporting the effective 和 efficient delivery of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Plan

(d) provide input during the creation of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Plan, identifying requirements for new initiatives, 和 the adjustment or cessation of activities;



(g) ensure volunteers are placed at the heart of the 新萄新京十大正规网站, recognising their importance 和 ambassadorial role in realising 新萄新京十大正规网站 strategy;

(h)与志愿者网络和社区接触,充分了解总体志愿服务经验,并批准建立社区和网络的建议, monitoring their performance, 和, 在适当的时候, 关闭它们.

(i) provide direction to the EngTalk public engagement talks programme.

(j) encourage innovation in ways for members to become engaged in volunteering;

(k)协调跨机构的措施,支援义工加入营运队伍, to deliver a consistent volunteering experience;

(l) promote the advancement of 新萄新京十大正规网站 one-team working culture, 值, behaviours 和 st和ards for volunteers;



(o) receive the Minutes of the Committees that report to the Board, note the decisions taken by these Committees 和, 如果有必要的话, report to the Board of Trustees any decisions that require its attention.

Stewardship, assurance 和 risk management

(p) recommend to the Board of Trustees the creation 和 dissolution of governance, 社区, member 和 volunteer groups which report through the Board;

(q) monitor performance using KPIs, as defined in the 新萄新京十大正规网站 Plan, 和 ensure that progress is being made;

(r)就较长远的问题,向校董会及教职员提供意见,这些问题可能会影响教育及教育计划的成效及效率, identifying suggestions for mitigating action;

(5)确保针对委托给董事会的风险制定了有效的风险管理计划, in accordance with the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s risk management process;


Stakeholder management

(u) operate a process to identify 和 manage all key stakeholders;



(x) liaise with other Main Boards.





Subject to the remainder of this paragraph 3, the Volunteer Engagement Board shall be made up as follows:

Chair - appointed by the Board of Trustees from the elected Trustees

Senior staff member - Director of 治理 和 Policy

Chairs of Committees reporting to the Board

九名普通委员, who are Ordinary Members of Council, 经提名及继任委员会推荐,由校董会委任为义工事务委员会成员.



The Honorary Treasurer








(i) the meeting has been called in accordance with paragraph (c) below; 和


(c)确定志愿服务业务委员会成员是否参加了志愿服务业务委员会的会议, it is irrelevant where any such member is or how they communicate with each other.  如果参加志愿者业务委员会会议的所有志愿者业务委员会成员不在同一个地方, 他们可以决定,会议将被视为在他们任何一方所在的地方举行.

(d) 会议 of the Volunteer Engagement Board shall be called by the Chair.

(e) Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting of the Volunteer Engagement Board confirming the venue, 时间和日期, together with an agenda of items to be discussed, 应转发给志愿者业务委员会的每个成员和任何其他需要参加的人, no later than 5 working days before the date of the meeting.  如果有, 支持文件应发送给志愿者参与委员会成员,并酌情发送给其他与会者, 同时.

(f)志愿者业务委员会应保存所有志愿者业务委员会会议的议事程序和决议的记录, including the names of those present 和 in attendance.

(g)志愿业务委员会会议记录草案应迅速分发给志愿业务委员会的所有成员.  一旦获得批准, 会议记录应分发给董事会所有成员,除非主席(以合理的方式行事)认为这样做是不合适的.


The Volunteer Engagement Board shall:

(a) have access to sufficient resources to carry out its duties, including the access to the 治理 Team for assistance as required;

(b) be provided with appropriate 和 timely training, 既以新成员的入门方案的形式,也以所有成员的持续方案的形式;

(c) give due consideration to laws 和 regulations 和 any applicable rules as appropriate; 和

(d) arrange for periodic reviews of its own performance 和, 至少每年一次, 审查其章程和职权范围,以确保其以最高效率运作,并建议其认为必要的任何变更,以供董事会批准.